Places recalled out of time, remembered or misremembered, dreamed. The impossibility of having been there, of inhabiting that place, threatens the memory. Was it so? Memories melt into dreams, coalescing and imprecise moments, impressions, colours, words. Left behind, drifting in the ripples that fan out in the distance, as in a wake. Or, as at a wake, where the remembered moments triumph; what is lost is held high, valorised. As though neither awake, nor asleep, since these moments hover in the liminality of the ever-so-slightly sub-conscious, the elusive and fragile zone where nothing is quite graspable. Twisting and turning in the winds of time, like a falling piece of paper which when end-on is barely visible, and momentarily flickers into the full view of a page, then ... gone again ...

i like this post, jacky..nearly as important as remembering how to forget..
thanks ... and like trying to work out which is the waking and which is the dream ... j ...
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